Corporate ADS-B Problems

A major avionics shop says about 5,000 business aircraft will miss the Jan. 1 deadline to be equipped with ADS-B. Duncan Aviation, which has been closely monitoring equipage data, said in a report last week that with 16 weeks to go before the end of the year, 23 percent, or 3,384 business jets, don’t have the gear. “At this rate, we anticipate that at least 1,660 business jets will not be in compliance when the calendar flips to Jan. 1, 2020,” said Matt Nelson, manager of satellite operations for Duncan. The equipage issue for turboprops is more acute.
Duncan estimates 49 percent of the turboprop business aircraft fleet didn’t meet the mandate as of mid-September and there will be 3,800 barred from most controlled airspace when the ball drops. Shops will be busy in the final weeks before the deadline and Duncan says the turnaround is about 10 days for the average installation. Tic Toc.
By Russ Niles, AVweb
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.
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