Hi From Australia
Have purchased recently a Cessna 182P in the "land Downunder" and based in Albury NSW, on the NSW, Victoria Border. Very hapy with the aircraft, a real work horse, tough and very forgiving.
About to do a major upgrade of the avionics, G3X, GFC500 Autopilot, GNX375 Nav ADSB in and out etc. I know it may be overkill BUT for me its about the next few years of flying about, enjoying it and the safety side of it as well.
What a nice blue sky! Oh, and the airplane is nice, too
Thanks for coming on the forum.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.
Need help? Let me know!
What are fuel prices? Just curious Kentuckian.
$3.59/gallon in wisconsin
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.
Need help? Let me know!
3.70 in N. Ky. Curious in Australia? Or per Liter?
Or New South Wales?
Hi... the fuel price down here are $1.59 per litre (jan2021) so 2.5 (estimate) x my price should be your privce = $3.97 USG ... I think I have that correct
However prices can vary depending if they are fueling in the "never nevers", just up past whoop whoop 
There is some great information on this site, ideas etc and just feeding off the enthusiasm of other pilots... a great digital asset.
Thanks for the international update! Fascinating to hear from other areas of the world. Thanks!
Should be 3.78 x 1.59 so $6 approx a gallon
Wow.. Expensive...any refineries in your country? Or is fuel shipped in..
We are a progressive nation...we close down all manufacturing, stop refineries, import all fuel, sell the worlds largest gas reserves to Asia and buy them back a massive price, put up wind mills and solar with little to no base power supplies.... so back to your question ... Fuel is shipped in. All china needs to do is position a fishing boat north of us and we would be history... Like I said....very progressive
Thanks..sorry! It is unfortunately the times in which we live.
On a more humorous note, did you know that things are more like they are now than they've ever been before?
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.
Need help? Let me know!
I have noticed that phenomenon! Ha ha
Nothing some Jack Daniels won't cure, lol.
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.
Need help? Let me know!
Nooo. Kentucky Bourbon.. ha ha
Well finally finished the Avionics upgrade...... its a pleasure flying anywhere...

Removed 18kg of old wiring and vacuum pumps etc and replaced it with all Garmin "gear'
2 x G3X - 10 inch and 7 "
GFC 500 Autopilit
G5 (Backup)
GTR255 Comms radions x 2
GMA 345 Audio Panel
GNX 375 Nav DSB in and Out plus the sensors, Magnetometers, GSU and GAd29 etc.
Beautiful! That is a show plane panel. Enjoy
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.
Need help? Let me know!
Thanks Ken and Scott.... the plane is nice to "drive" and less pressure when coming into airspaces and ATC has not got back to me yet.... easy to change and direct the nose somewhere else.
Also added a CO monitoring as well as sensors for the Carbie Heat/Temp... we are near the snow fields here in Albury..
Still trying to master/learn the bits and pieces but it’s great that everything marries together nicely.
The Guys who did it "Rob Gray Avionics" did a magnificent job... so particular and caring... like it was their own aircraft. They made sure everything was looking good, even small gaps had to be closed, screws had to the correct colour etc.
Its for the long term enjoyment and safety add which was the priority… I like to know who is around me and heading my way …hopefully our CASA (your FAA) will bite the bullet and make ADSB compulsory for all in Australia… but that could be opening a can of worms here in OZ ! BUT worth IT!
A few more pics...
I agree wholeheartedly on the ADSB. It has been very useful to locate aircraft for safety and traffic flow.