Aircraft corrosion removal and refurbishment shop?

I'm trying to recall the name of a shop that specializes in total corrosion removal of your airplane. I'm thinking it was in Ohio, or Missouri possibly (or somewhere else if my recall is also geographically challenged). You basically gave them your plane for a month or two and they disassembled, removed any corrosion, primed it, and reassembled it. If someone knows what I'm talking about and knows the name of the place - MOST appreciated.


  • AIrMod at Clermont County? Sporty’s location.

  • I69 identifier.

  • Kent you are a walking aviation encyclopedia - THATS the place. Many thanks!

  • I live only 15 minutes away in Maysville, KY. And our Piper Owners group toured AirMod a couple of years ago. Dennis Wolters is VERY knowledgeable in all matters concerning aircraft longevity/corrosion.

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