Change is good!

Hi everyone,
I've been working on the forums since 2016; gosh where did the time go! I've written over 200 articles in our magazines over that time, too. It's time to retire and turn the reins over to a member that's younger and fresher and with new ideas. And you already know him! Mike J Jones, who's been on this forum for years and is behind the scenes on Cessna Owners as an editor, will be taking over for me going forward.
I'm still here on the forums, however, so I'm not going away. Fly safe and be well my friends!
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.
Need help? Let me know!
Scott, thank you for all your work. Now you can enjoy sitting back and taking jabs at the peanut gallery.
i never got a chance to speak with you on Monday. Congratulations on your second? (Maybe more) retirement. Enjoy and keep up your posting here with your extra free time now.
Thank you for all the good advice. You have been a good and faithful servant to we Cessna owners!
Scott, you will never be just a “regular” pilot! I too have enjoyed your articles, product reviews, and your friendship! It’s good to know you will be on the forums, and available for lunch!
Kind Regards,
Way to go Scott, I hope you have the same problem I am having, 30 days into my retirement and I am exhausted already! Carl
IA 47yr A&P DAL A/C Inspector 172n