172M - 180HP - Help! Looking for Supplemental AFM P/N 2550-103

I purchased a 1973 – 172M 8 months ago SN:172/61452. Aircraft has the AVCON 180HP Conversion (STC SA2800CE).

FAA says according to STC SA2800CE I am supposed to have Supplemental AFM P/N 2550-103.

After 8 months- I am at a dead end. It was difficult to contact the STC Holder – Bob Williams. When I finally talked to him he was trying to be helpful. He said that all of his records were destroyed in a fire years ago. He recommended that I reach out to this forum and the FAA.

After weeks of being directed from one FAA individual to another l was finally directed to the source: Program Support Specialist, AIR-761 Compliance & Airworthiness Division,Wichita, KS. After emailing back and forth for six weeks they said they could not find the records.

Can any help in finding the AVCON 172 – 180HP Supplemental AFM P/N 2550-103

Does any have the Avcon 180HP or know anyone who does?



  • not to push you to another form but if you get no help here I’d post the same question to the Cessna Pilots Society, they are a pretty diverse group of knowledgeable owners and lots of A&P’s read and participate regularly. I avidly read both forms for information from the users. You can google them and sign up


  • These AFM supplements are often placed with paperwork for the airplane and then not very well kept track of. Scour through any and all paperwork that you got with the airplane and hit up the previous owner for any paperwork they might still have. Often it is attached to an invoice, weight and balance, or even the 337. Owners often don't realize the significance of this paperwork and file it away, not realizing it should go with the airplane when sold. In fact it is required to be kept in the airplane, but as you are fully aware, this doesn't always happen. Hopefully someone here with the same airplane conversion can help you with a copy if the previous owner can't cough it up.



  • MikeJJMikeJJ Aviation Director, Forum Moderator
    edited July 2024

    A bit of research shows that this problem, locating AFM supplement data for the AVCON conversion, has been going on for more than a DECADE! That says a lot about how difficult it will be to get the information you are looking for. Perhaps some other members can chime in on this one.



    • Michael Jay Jones (MikeJJ), 
    • Cessna Owners Aviation Director, Forum Moderator, Author
    • Commercial, Instrument, CFI - Airplane
    • Commercial Helicopter, Remote Pilot UAS
    • FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot,
    • 50+ years in aviation, and still learning!

  • David,

    I had the same thoughts and have already tried those options- Thanks.


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