
  • planewrenchplanewrench IA 48yr A&P DAL A/C Inspector

    Perfect for the back roads looks great. Carl

    IA 47yr A&P DAL A/C Inspector 172n

  • MikeJJMikeJJ Aviation Director, Forum Moderator

    Welcome to Cessna Owners and thanks for sharing a photo of your aircraft! Interesting location, tell us more! Where are you based?



    • Michael Jay Jones (MikeJJ), 
    • Cessna Owners Aviation Director, Forum Moderator, Author
    • Commercial, Instrument, CFI - Airplane
    • Commercial Helicopter, Remote Pilot UAS
    • FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot,
    • 50+ years in aviation, and still learning!

  • edited October 6

    I’m in SW Co based at KAIB. That photo is the Dolores Point dirt strip(4/32) t 7154’ with the LaSal Mtns in the background. A 5 min hike east to the edge of the canyon provides a stunning view of the Dolores River Canyon with views of the distant San Juan Mtns to the east and the rising terrain of the Uncompaghre Plateau to the ENE.

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