MT Prop on a 182Q - Long Trip

I have a thread going over on BT where members kicked this around, but I thought I’d share it here in case anyone is considering a change to an MT prop. My 182Q has a Texas Skyways 470TS and I decided to give the 2 blade MT prop a try.

Overall, I’ve been pretty satisfied with the results, the biggest changes involving quietness and smoothness. Switching from the 2-blade McCauley; I had previously been tracking a cruise PIO issue where my GFC500 would wiggle a little in pitch. After flying with me, my avionics guy seemed to think that vibration on the GI-275 was a possible culprit. He was right.. after the prop change, nothing.. totally smooth.

I put the MT on at the end of December and just flew a 7500nm, 62-ish hour trip from Texas to St. Croix USVI, with a intermediate trip from St. Croix to Myrtle Beach and back. Overall the performance was pretty good- maybe slightly (a knot or two) slower at higher altitudes in cruise, but boy does the prop PULL on the runway and lower to the ground. I averaged 150-155 knots TAS most of the way at altitudes of 7-11K.

MT has had its share of issues. Talking with John (their rep at McFarlane).. it sounds like most of the issues have been resolved, the biggest I believe being the coating/paint chipping and stripping in rain. I flew 735CR through some moderate rain in south Florida on the return trip, and so far the prop doesn’t show anything. It’ll be interesting to see what the long term longevity of things are and how it holds up..


  • MikeJJMikeJJ Aviation Director, Forum Moderator

    Hi SnaprollTX,

    Thank you for cross sharing this information with Cessna Owners. I'm sure your long flight evaluation will benefit others. Sounds like a rewarding flight!



    • Michael Jay Jones (MikeJJ), 
    • Cessna Owners Aviation Director, Forum Moderator, Author
    • Commercial, Instrument, CFI - Airplane
    • Commercial Helicopter, Remote Pilot UAS
    • FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot,
    • 50+ years in aviation, and still learning!

  • Looks good.Its interesting,to myself,whether the engine needs that big,heavy “flywheel” on the crankshaft,or if it’s better off with a lighter prop.With there being less vibration,a happier engine

  • I did the same six months ago on my 182P and have been really happy with reduced vibrations and much more pleasant sound.

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