Timeless Cessna 172

With enough TLC (and $$$), my venerable 172N-1978 model-trudges on with grace and comfort, if not speed. I love its handling and how it makes me look good on virtually every landing. How can one go wrong with such reliability and just plane good looks? ---JIM STARK
love that picture ... thank you.
Digital Product Manager
Cessna Owner Organization
Might be appropriate to tell everyone how nice this plane is to fly. It's one of the most stable & comfortable flying machines I have ever had the pleasure of piloting. The panel is nearly original with a full IFR Garmin 430W and ADS-B. The 180HP engine, STOL kit and vortex generators make it almost impossible to stall, not to mention being a great safety feature, especially flying in the mountains. Flint tanks keep it in the air way beyond bladder limits.
Great photo and your love of this plane shows in your comments. I feel the same way! By the way, TLC means "Transporting Lots-of Cash" I think
Scott Sherer
Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.
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Kudo's to the photographer on your air to air shot, that's fantastic!
(I know for reasons you'll learn soon enough ... photo by Mike Buben of Aerovision Arizona)
Digital Product Manager
Cessna Owner Organization
Great looking plane
Gary Van Dyke