New Member Student Pilot 1956 182

I’m the 4th owner, it has the original gauges minus the vor and radio, no ADSB, comms is a portable that was mounted in the panel, so… I need a go fund me page 😁 she flies to the moon though! I’m kinda long in the tooth to be student pilot, working on my check ride now.


  • planewrenchplanewrench IA 48yr A&P DAL A/C Inspector

    That light of a 182 should really perform! Enjoy. Carl

    IA 47yr A&P DAL A/C Inspector 172n

  • Scott ShererScott Sherer COO Forum Moderator

    She has wings! That's all that's needed. :)

    Scott Sherer
    Wright Brothers Master Pilot, FAA Commercial Pilot
    Aviation Director, Cessna Owners Organization Forum Moderator and Cessna Owners Author.

    Need help? Let me know!

  • Beautiful plane. I like simple, but you'll want that gofundme once you stretch your legs on those long cross country flights.

    Nice video of a ... door?

  • I don’t understand? A video?

  • In your original post above there's the photo of the plane, but also an 8 sec video of an open door in a light blue room with a ceiling fan and dark red drapes.

  • Well about the video, I have no idea how I did that however that’s what a variable speed drive will do to cheap LED lamps with a dimmer. 😎 I seem to be challenged a bit trying to remove the video and I apologize for it being there. Too bad it wasn’t one of my better landings. 😂

  • Have you taken the Checkride yet?

  • No sir I have my cross country and 2 more hrs with foggles and the weather here is not cooperating with that at all. I’m getting solo time at every opportunity though.

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